General rules:

• Age categories:
KIDS (under 6 years) – <2018
JUVENILE I (7-9 years) – 2015,2016,2017
JUVENILE II (10-11 years) – 2013,2014
JUNIOR I (12-13 years) – 2011,2012
JUNIOR II (14-15 years) – 2009,2010
YOUTH (16-18 years) – 2006,2007,2008
ADULT (19-34 years) – 1990-2005
MASTERS (35+) – >1989
***Where necessary (due to insufficient participation) 2 consecutive categories will be combined (Juvenile I + Juvenile II, Junior I + Junior II).

• Categories:
COUPLES (holding each other) (F/F, F/M, M/M)
DUOS (separately) (F/F, F/M, M/M)
TRIOS 3 Dancers of any Gender
***If the desired number of participants is not gathered, two consecutive categories of groups will be consolidated into one, when the largest group does not contain more than its initial number increased by 30% of the number of participants of the smallest group.

• Duration:
Solos, Duos, Trios 1,30 – 2 min
Small & Large teams 2.30 – 3 min
Showcases 3.30 – 4 min
Super Showcases 3.30 – 5 min
*** These time limits apply to all categories performed with music by the contestant or contestants.

• Age Limit Tolerance : For teams with up to 7 participants, one (1) member of the team can be of older age. In the same way, for teams of 8 to 10 participants - two (2) members, for teams of 11 to 13 participants - three (3), for teams of 14 to 16 - four (4), for teams of 17 and more five (5). Younger athletes can also compete in older age categories.
* Athletes in the Juvenile, Junior and Youth categories must have any proof of their age with them.

GROUP CATEGORIES – number of participants at least 4 participants. Duration – there will be a tolerance regarding their maximum duration of 10 seconds, after which the music will stop.

SOLO CATEGORIES – the dancers dance with all the participants ”IN THE HEATSThe music for the categories Solo Latin, Salsa, Bachata, Arg.Tango, Oriental, Bollywood, Contemporary, Hip Hop, Commercial, Dance Hall, K-Pop, High Heels, Reggaeton is selected by the organizers of "KAVALA OPEN". Dancers can also compete in the next age category.

GREEK SOLO RANKING – for dancers participating in the Greek Solo Ranking in the categories Latin, Oriental, Contemporary, Hip Hop – Information & Regulations are HERE

CATEGORIES DUOS, TRIOS – are competition categories and participants dance separately “ON THE STAGE” which use their own music and last up to 2:00 minutes. The presentation must be thematic and stand out in choreography, costume and music.

COUPLES CATEGORIES - a couple can not participate in the 1 or 3 or 5 Dances of their respective category, and consequently, a couple participating in the Three Dance or five Dances of their category, can not participate in a category with fewer dances (One Dance). Also, a couple can compete in the immediately older age category, in the exact same categories that participated in their physical age category.

Regulations for all categories:

Kavala Open 2016

In the COUPLES CATEGORIES couples who participate in categories of 1 dance, are not allowed to participate in the corresponding category of 3 dances, and by extension, couples who participate in categories of 3 dances, are not allowed to participate in the corresponding Open category. A couple can also compete in the next higher age category, in the exact same categories that they participated in their natural age category.

DEBUT ALL LADIES LATIN/STANDARD – Beginners teams (at least 4 participants) are considered those in which 80% of their members dance for the first time in a dance competition within the year of its performance (e.g. for the year 2024, 8 out of 10 gymnasts must not have danced in competitions before 1/1/2024), and participate in the competition in free choreography – Latin/Standard dance mix.

ALL LADIES SHOW LATIN/STANDARD – Teams (at least 4 participants) can participate in the competition in free choreography - a mix of dances with a theme that should be visible on dress, choreography and music.

ALL LADIES SYNCHRO LATIN/STANDARD – Teams (at least 4 participants) must maintain the original team shape by remaining synchronized in their figures and movements in the same time and direction throughout the presentation (change of shapes is allowed during the last 15-20 seconds for the finale of the choreography) . Props, Stands, Acrobatics are not allowed.

SOLO LATIN/STANDARD – Dancers in the solo categories dance with all the participants in Heats (Semifinal, Final, etc.) they can also compete in the next age category. Girls from the couples categories can also participate in the Solo categories. Competitors in Latin Solo Categories will dance ONE DANCE (Ch, Sb, Rb, Jv, Pd) and in Standard Solo ONE DANCE (W, T, Vw, F, Qs).

DUET, TRIO LATIN/STANDARD – Participants dance separately and use their own music and the duration is from 1:30 to 2:00 minutes. Athletes will have 15 seconds for the entry and 15 seconds for the exit. The presentation must be thematic and stand out in choreography, costume and music. Props, lifts, stunts and acrobatics are allowed.

• Teams in the Debut All Ladies categories may compete in another All Ladies Synchro or All Ladies Show category in the exact same age categories according to the rules, or in the Debut All Ladies next higher age category.
• Teams in the All Ladies Synchro categories can also compete in another All Ladies Show category in the exact same age categories or All Ladies Synchro in the next higher age category.
• Teams in the All Ladies Show categories can also compete in another All Ladies Show category in the next higher age category.
• The age category is calculated in relation to the year of birth and refers to the calendar year. Participants in the Juvenile , Junior and Youth Categories must carry with them an evidence of their age.
• Duration: Maximum duration of the choreography for Small & Large teams is 3 minutes, for Showcases 4 minutes, for Super Showcases 5 minutes. There will be a grace period of about 10 seconds, after which the music will be stop.
• Age Limit Tolerance : For teams with up to 7 participants , one (1) member of the team can be of older age. In the same way, for teams of 8 to 10 participants - two (2) members, for teams of 11 to 13 participants - three (3), for teams of 14 and more four (4). Younger athletes can also compete in older age categories.

1 – 15 - CHOREOGRAPHY (content, using the space, character)
1 – 15 - TECHNICAL LEVEL (the dance style, quality, lines, dynamics)
1 - 10 - PERFORMANCE (entrance, exit, costume, expression)
1 - 10 - MUSICALITY (music interpretation, choice of music, timing)
• Maximum judge score 65 points.
• In the first qualification round judges select six (6) teams directly for the final.

Kavala Open 2014

ALL LADIES TEAMS  – Η χορογραφία πρέπει να είναι έως 3:00 λεπτά. Οι συμμετέχοντες χορευουν σε μια κατηγορία για ολες τις ηλικίες.

CASINO RUEDA, SALSA TEAM – Είναι υποχρεωτικό ότι οποιαδήποτε ομάδα πρέπει να έχει τουλάχιστον τρία ζευγάρια.
Η χορογραφία πρέπει να είναι έως 4:00 λεπτά. Ζευγάρια χορευουν σε μια κατηγορία για ολες τις ηλικίες.

COUPLES FREESTYLE – Tα ζευγάρια θα χορέψουν μέχρι 2:0 λεπτά σε κάθε γύρο. Η μουσική θα είναι ελεύθερη επιλογή του DJ. Ζευγάρια χορευουν σε μια κατηγορία για ολες τις ηλικίες.

COUPLES CHOREO – Η μουσική αποτελεί επιλογή του ζευγαριού και διαρκεια έως 2:30 λεπτά. Παρόλα αυτά, το 80% της χορογραφίας θα πρέπει να είναι σε μουσική του είδους που αναφέρεται η κατηγορία. Οι αθλητές θα έχουν 15′ δευτερόλεπτα  χρόνο για την είδοδο και 15′ δευτερόλεπτα χρόνο για την έξοδο. Ζευγάρια χορευουν σε μια κατηγορία για ολες τις ηλικίες.

SOLO OPEN – Οι συμμετέχοντες χορευουν με όλους τους συμμετέχοντες “IN THE HEATS”,  και μπορούν να διαγωνιστούν και στην αμέσως επόμενη ηλικιακά κατηγορία. Η μουσική είναι επιλογή των διοργανωτών του «KAVALA OPEN» και είναι διαθέσιμη στην ιστοσελίδα. Σκηνικά και Αξεσουάρ δεν επιτρέπονται.

DUET, TRIO – Οι συμμετέχοντες χορεύουν ξεχωριστά, θα χρησιμοποιήσουν τη δική τους μουσική και διάρκεια είναι έως 2:00 λεπτά. Οι αθλητές θα έχουν 15′ δευτερόλεπτα  χρόνο για την είδοδο και 15′ δευτερόλεπτα χρόνο για την έξοδο. Η παρουσίαση πρέπει να είναι θεματική και να διακρίνεται στη χορογραφία, το κοστούμι και τη μουσική.

• Συγχρονισμός (15%)
• Χορογραφία (15%)
• Σκηνική και δυναμική παρουσία (30%)
• Tεχνική (30%)
• Mουσική (10%)
Συνολική Βαθμολογία: 100%

Αποκλεισμός: Οι διαγωνιζόμενοι θα πρέπει να συμπεριφέρονται με σεβασμό ο ένας στον άλλο και θα πρέπει να αποφεύγουν να κάνουν ενοχλητικούς θορύβους ή κινήσεις κατά τη διάρκεια της παράστασης. Επίσης οι διαγωνιζόμενοι θα πρέπει να γνωρίζουν ότι μπορεί να αποβληθούν ή να χάσουν μονάδες σε περίπτωση που προσπαθήσουν να παρακολλήσουν την παράσταση των συμπαικτών τους. Επιπλέον, οποιαδήποτε υβριστική συμπεριφορά ή πράξη απέναντι στους κριτές θα έχει ως αποτέλεσμα την αποβολή ολόκληρης της ομάδος.

Kavala Open 2018ORIENTAL GROUP – choreography may incorporate any form of dance, classical style Raqs Sharqi, Arabic folk dance etc. However Oriental Dance original technique and music predominates. It is allowed to use oriental props and appropriate accessories (two veils, Isis wings, saber (just dummy), vases, and etc.) and any type of costume. Various dances, styles and fusions of fantasy styles like flamenco oriental and others are welcome. There has to be a development of the plot (introduction, culmination, finale).

BOLLYWOOD GROUP – dance has its origins in Traditional Indian dance, it is made up of many differing dance styles including Indian Classical, Bhangra, Arabic, Folk, Tribal, Latino, Hip Hop, Street Dance, “Michael Jackson”, and many others and must be a contrast of dance styles and movement, depending on the music.

SOLO – The dancers dance with all the participants in the Heats (Semifinal, Final etc.) with music the choice of the organizers. Wings and walking sticks as accessories are not allowed. Dancers can also compete in the next age category.

DUET, TRIO – Participants dance separately and use their own music and the duration is from 1:30 to 2:00 minutes. Athletes will have 15 seconds for the entry and 15 seconds for the exit. The presentation must be thematic and stand out in choreography, costume and music. Props, lifts, stunts and acrobatics are allowed.

ETHNO – is a choreographed performance and includes all performing arts of nations – Irish, Hungarian, Russian, Polish, Spanish, Flamenco, Indian, Eastern folklore, Greek, Bulgarian folklore and etc. Costumes, music and choreography should correspond to the character of the nation. It is not allowed to dance Belly dance in Ethno style. It is allowed to change clothes or remove items from the costume. Props are allowed if they can be brought on to the stage or dance floor in less than 20 seconds. It must be possible to fold all scenic props and backgrounds so that they can be easily pass through a normal size door frame.

FOLK DANCE – is a choreographed performance that have developed over a period of time that reflect the traditional life of the people of a certain country and/or region. Acrobatics are allowed. Lifts are allowed but will only enhance the dancers score if the acrobatic movements and/or the lifts are well integrated in the performance with style and finesse.

1 – 15 - CHOREOGRAPHY (content, using the space, character)
1 – 15 - TECHNICAL LEVEL (the dance style, quality, lines, dynamics)
• Maximum judge score 65 points.

Kavala Open 2016BALLET - is a theatrical dance that features highly formalized steps and movements. It uses body movements, music, and stage scenery to speak emotions, a story, an atmosphere, or a theme.

CONTEMPORARY – dance is a more relaxed, free style of dance in which choreographer’s uses emotions and moods to design their own steps, in contrast to ballet’s structured code of steps. It has a deliberate use of gravity, whereas ballet strives to be light and airy. Contemporary Ballet should not be confused with Modern Dance, and may not compete in this discipline.

MODERN – JAZZ – is based either on any Jazz, Lyrical, Ballet and Contemporary dance technique, allows the use of acrobatics, props, lip-sync and other theatrical effects and shall be based on a concept, story, theme or idea. The concept, story, theme or idea must be fully understandable and will be expressed bymeans of dance movements that adhere to the piece being presented, along with being creative,imaginative and original.

SOLO – Dancers in the solo categories dance with all participants “IN THE HEATS”, and can also compete in the next age category. The music is selected by the organizers of "KAVALA OPEN" and is available on the website: MUSIC SOLO. Props and Accessories are not allowed.

DUET, TRIO – Participants dance separately and use their own music and the duration is from 1:30 to 2:00 minutes. Athletes will have 15 seconds for the entry and 15 seconds for the exit. The presentation must be thematic and stand out in choreography, costume and music. Props, lifts, stunts and acrobatics are allowed.

ARTISTIC SHOW DANCE CHOREO – περιλαμβάνει όλα τα στυλ συνδυαστικά μεταξύ τους όπως Ballet, Contemporary, Jazz, Modern, Street, Pop και όλα τα παρόμοια σ’ αυτά στυλ χορών. Η χορογραφία χορού πρέπει να έχει έναν τίτλο ή ένα θέµα, χρησιµοποιώντας µια έννοια ή ιδέα. Σ’ αυτή την κατηγορία επιτρέπονται και τα ακροβατικά, αρκεί αυτά να ΜΗΝ είναι το μοναδικό στοιχείο της χορογραφίας αλλά να είναι ενσωματωμένα στην εκτέλεση της χορογραφίας με «στυλ και φινέτσα». Ελεύθερη αμφίεση – επιλογή θεματολογίας – επιτρέπονται τα αξεσουάρ.

ARTISTIC DISCO DANCE – is a dance style heavily dependent on disco music. Disco music consists of loud, booming vocals over a steady beat and bass. Disco dance to the music in your own way while wearing disco inspired clothing. Disco consists of steps and movements performed in time to the beats of disco music. Some common elements of disco dancing include side steps between longer moves, raising your arms overhead, large hip and pelvic movements, and twisting your arms in time to the beat.

1 – 15 - CHOREOGRAPHY (content, using the space, character)
1 – 15 - TECHNICAL LEVEL (the dance style, quality, lines, dynamics)
• Maximum judge score 65 points.

Kavala Open 2016HIP HOP & BREAK DANCE TEAMS Performed technique must be within character of dance technique: Hip Hop, Break Dance, Electric Boogie and Techno. The performance presented by dancers can be done using the listed techniques as they decide so: either in a pure version or as a mix. Example: The performance that is being presented only in Hip hop dance technique will be equally adjudicated as a performance that mixes Hip Hop and Techno. All pieces must have a show case, theme or idea that MUST be clearly visible throughout the whole performance. It is very important to present harmony of idea, music, dance, choreography, costumes and props. Musicality, variety of dance and dance patterns, originality, together with a welldone and well performed stage and individual/ORIGINAL choreography will be highly evaluated. All participants are divided according to age: Juvenile - 7-11 years old, Junior - 12-15 years old, Youth - 16-18 years old, Adults - 19+.

HIP HOP SOLO – The participants dance with all the participants in the Heats (Semifinal, Final etc.) with music the choice of the organizers. Dancers can also compete in the next age category. Participants are divided according to age: Juvenile – 7-11 years, Junior – 12-15 years, Youth – 16-18 years, Adults – 19+.

Κ-ΡΟΡ COVER – is the act of replicating a dance choreography, particularly from Japanese or Korean idol music acts and that was shown in videos or at concerts of famous K-pop groups. At the same time, the plasticity, technique, and choreography should be as close as possible to the original version.

Κ-ΡΟΡ OPEN – is a powerful, fast-paced dance genre similar to hip-hop that originated in South Korea. Perform your favorite moves and fresh choreography with energy, attitude and style without limits!

Κ-ΡΟΡ SOLO – The dancers dance with all the participants in the Heats (Semifinal, Final etc.) with music the choice of the organizers. Wings and walking sticks as accessories are not allowed. Dancers can also compete in the next age category. Participants are divided according to age: Youth up to 18 years, Adults – 19+.

ΗIGH HEELS TEAMS – it is called the style and not so much the dance as it allows a woman to express herself and highlight her femininity. It is inspired by the dances: Hip Hop, Funky Jazz, Lyrical, Latin without having a specific pace. Choreography needs imagination, personal experiences, emotions and above all style. Participants dance in Youth up to 18 years, Adults – 19+.

ΗIGH HEELS SOLO – The dancers dance with all the participants in the Heats (Semifinal, Final etc.) with music the choice of the organizers. Wings and walking sticks as accessories are not allowed. Dancers can also compete in the next age category. Participants are divided according to age: Youth up to 18 years, Adults – 19+.

DANCEHALL TEAMS Dancehall is a street style that emerged in the late 1970s and mid-1980s on the streets of Kingston, Jamaica. It's not just a Jamaican dance, it's their culture and lifestyle. The creator of this is Bogle, where thanks to him Dancehall became known around the world. Participants are divided according to age: Juvenile – 7-11 years, Junior – 12-15 years, Youth – 16-18 years, Adults – 19+.

DANCEHALL SOLO – The participants dance with all the participants in the Heats (Semifinal, Final etc.) with music the choice of the organizers. Dancers can also compete in the next age category. Participants are divided according to age: Juvenile – 7-11 years, Junior – 12-15 years, Youth – 16-18 years, Adults – 19+.

COMMERCIAL TEAMS - style refers to the most popular and current type of dance that is adapted for live or taped performances such as television shows, concerts, music videos, films and commercials. What makes the commercial special and special is that it combines many types of dance (street dance, hip-hop, jazz) while it has influences from mainstream and pop music and the dance scene. Participants are divided according to age: Juvenile – 7-11 years, Junior – 12-15 years, Youth – 16-18 years, Adults – 19+.

COMMERCIAL SOLO – The participants dance with all the participants in the Heats (Semifinal, Final etc.) with music the choice of the organizers. Dancers can also compete in the next age category. Participants are divided according to age: Juvenile – 7-11 years, Junior – 12-15 years, Youth – 16-18 years, Adults – 19+.

REGGAETON TEAMS – appeared for the first time as a musical genre in the 70s in America. Reggaeton music was created by mixing Jamaican and Latin American music, with hip hop and electronic rhythms and is dance music and usually accompanied by rap (singing). Participants are divided according to age: Juvenile – 7-11 years, Junior – 12-15 years, Youth – 16-18 years, Adults – 19+. Acrobatics, props, lifts and accessories are allowed.

REGGAETON SOLO – The participants dance with all the participants in the Heats (Semifinal, Final etc.) with music the choice of the organizers. Dancers can also compete in the next age category. Participants are divided according to age: Juvenile – 7-11 years, Junior – 12-15 years, Youth – 16-18 years, Adults – 19+.

DUET, TRIO – Participants dance separately and use their own music and the duration is from 1:30 to 2:00 minutes. Athletes will have 15 seconds for the entry and 15 seconds for the exit. The presentation must be thematic and stand out in choreography, costume and music. Props, lifts, stunts and acrobatics are allowed.

• Music for Solo Hip Hop, Commercial, Dance Hall, K-Pop, High Heels, Reggaeton you can download here

1 – 15 - CHOREOGRAPHY (content, using the space, character)
1 – 15 - TECHNICAL LEVEL (the dance style, quality, lines, dynamics)
1 – 10 ΣΤΥΛ – STYLE
• Maximum judge score 65 points.

ARTISTIC ACROBATIC DANCE SHOW – The performance must be a sequence of Gymnastic or/and Acrobatic tricks blended/linked together with any of dancing styles as Classical, Modern, Contemporary, Jazz, Hip Hop etc. The character of the performance could be in any style. It is important to use gymnastic acrobatic elements like flexibility, skips, jumps, splits, bridges, leaps, summersaults or other gymnastic elements. Gymnastic elements must be in harmony with the choreography. Lifts, acrobatics and building pyramids are allowed and encouraged. Hand Props and Stage Props are allowed if they can be brought on to the stage in less than 20 seconds.

ARTISTIC AEROBIC ENERGY SHOW – The performance should be presented with great Energy. The character of the performance could be in any style of dance and is allowed with no restriction in tempos. Gymnastic elements must be in harmony with the music and the choreography should be Artistic rather than Gymnastic. It is important to use Aerobic elements in an artistic way and to blend the music, choreography, costume, and the use of props into an Artistic Performance. Hand props like flags, banners, twirling sticks, signs, pom-poms, megaphones and pieces of cloth are allowed. Stage props are not allowed.

KANGOO JUMPS – is a choreographed performance that is done with the help of special shoes, which are like boots with laminate, and imitate the jump of kangaroos.

CHEERLEADING DANCE SHOW – The character of the performance could be in any style. It is possible to use gymnastic elements like skips, jumps or elements of folklore dances if the music underlines this type of dancing. Gymnastic elements must be in harmony with the music and the choreography should be Artistic rather than Gymnastic. It is very important to blend the music, choreography, costume, and the use of cheerleading props into an Artistic Performance. Stage props are not allowed.
